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Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia (both in terms of area and population). It is strategically located at the intersection of three continents; Europe, Middle East and Africa. Cyprus was colonized by the British, and they got their independence on the 1st of October 1960. In the year 1974 Cyprus got divided into two separate states namely – TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) and The Republic of Cyprus (south). The boundary separating the two sides is known as the “Green Line” it runs through Nicosia the capital of both North and South Cyprus. The North is a self-declared state that comprises of the northeastern portion of the island of Cyprus recognized only by Turkey. Northern Cyprus is considered by the international community as Turkish-occupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus. The south also is a self-declared state, but they are recognized by the European Union. Cyprus is a major tourist destination in the Mediterranean

Cyprus has a lower number of international students, this makes study much more interaction between students and the instructor. With international students from over 25 countries including India, Nigeria, Russia, china and many others, students are guaranteed to have a very multi-cultural experience..

The international dimension of education is important in Cyprus where international students receive a quality education in a safe, friendly environment at an affordable cost. They, in turn, enrich the educational experience of our own students and bring an international dimension to our culture. Lifelong friendships and networks are formed between Cypriot and overseas students which later enhance the cultural and trade relationships between our countries. Cyprus can offer Higher Education of high quality standards and is able to facilitate students with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in a contemporary global marketplace. Pleasant Mediterranean climate and picturesque sandy beaches can only add to this once-in-a-lifetime experience of being a student in Cyprus. The number of students in Cyprus is increasing rapidly over the last ten years.



Cyprus spends more per capita on its education system than any other country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). A Degree/Diploma from a Canadian Institute is recognized worldwide. International students who graduate from Cyprus Institutions enjoy successful and prosperous careers. Cyprus is known for its quality education & competitive entry requirements.



Cyprus Institutes, charge lower tuition fees for international students than their counterparts in competing countries and at the same time, maintain excellent educational quality. However as the fees are more affordable, admissions are more competitive.


Method to Get Admission in Cyprus Universities

Every applicants who are intending to study in Cyprus must have completed a secondary level education or the equivalent of twelve years of schooling to get admission in the universities of Cyprus for undergraduate level or Bachelors level. Similarly the students must have to complete the undergraduate level education or Bachelors level Education to get admission for the post graduate level. Application forms and other information about admission requirements for the universities or colleges of Cyprus can be obtained from the Office of Admissions of respective college or university..




Every step is taken to ensure the safety of students on Cyprus's campuses. Most universities / colleges have their own campus security 24 hours a day. There are also €œWalk Safe" programs to assist people in getting to public transportation during late hours.